Scenes from the Pantanal

(Click on each item for higher definition image)

All Photos by Wm. D. Clark

Copyright 1999

The Pantanal has many looks--here are a few
Sparse tree growth suggests that the area around this steam is frequently flooded.
Where water recently stood there is now lush grass for the cattle
A small stream cuts through this area
Sparse tree growth near the edges of this drying pond suggest that the area is subject to frequent flooding. The thicker forest on the upper right suggests higher ground and infrequent flooding.
The Jabaru (the New World's largest stork) is the Brazilian symbol of the Pantanal.
Ranch owners build their homes on the highest ground in the Pantanal (buildings are hidden by the trees). This is also were the largest trees grow and Hyacinth Macaws tend to nest.
The Giant Anteater is one of the very special mammals of the Pantanal
Sunrises and sunsets are often spectacular on the Pantanal
Cattle and Hyacinth Macaws seem to be a good mix. The large cattle ranches protect the wildlife and the macaws eat palm nuts processed by cattle.
This Hyacinth Macaw is arriving at a cow lot to look for dry palm nuts.
Although he appears to be checking a fresh cow patty for food, he is really looking for dry nuts that would have been passed much earlier, during high water periods.
These are palm nuts partially coated with cow dung. Hyacinth Macaws will open the capsules and eat the meat from them after rains have washed them clean. In a pasture in the Pantanal.
Notice how the undersurface of the flight feathers is dark gray to black. The same is true for the tail feathers.
The Guira Cuckoo is one of the more common birds of the Pantanal and one of the most comical.
The Swallow-tailed Hummingbird is one of the more common hummers of the Pantanal
Junior waits on the fence post while mom & day get a drink
Monk (Quaker) Parakeets are among the most numerous parrots in the Pantanal. The edge of their apartment house type stick nest is visible In the upper left.
Green Palm Nuts from the tree are eaten by Hyacinth Macaws in addition to dry nuts from the ground. The green covering is consumed, giving the macaws dirty beaks.
The Yellow-faced Parrot is much less common in the Pantanal than the Blue-fronted, but I have seen it on 3 of 4 trips there.
The Greater Rhea is the largest bird of the Pantanal. Males incubate the eggs and raise the chicks. Women's Lib?

Macaw Photo Gallery

Hyacinth Macaws

The Pantanal (coming soon)